Happy Family Day 2023!



The Costen Insurance Team would like to wish you and your family a wonderful Family Day 2023!


In celebration of this holiday and our Costen Insurance Family, we wanted to share some family pictures from our Team:



Crista and Larry
Shawn, Crista & Family with Crista’s brother Chad (the ‘LarryHead’ creator!)
Andrew, Amanda and family
Dave & Karen
Kristel’s corgie, Chandler (our “Insurance Rover”)
Ajay, Nirmal and famliy

Chad, Jahnel and family

Dan & his daughter


A friendly reminder that our Office will be closed on Monday, February 20th as we spend the day with our loved ones. We will re-open on Tuesday, February 21st at 8:30AM.


Thank you!

Your Costen Insurance Team


PS – Wednesday, February 22nd is ‘Pink Shirt Day’ in support of anti-bullying.  Don’t forget to wear pink!